World Metrology Day - 20 May 2010

Dear Metrology Colleagues,

Please let us know if you are planning a national or regional event to celebrate World Metrology Day. You can send us an email to, providing us with the details of your event, and we will list it in this page.

Kind regards, The WMD 2010 Team
Events in your country / region
click on the flag
Belgium Belgium Brazil Brazil Canada Canada CostaRica Costa Rica
Ethiopia Ethiopia Hungary Hungary India India Japan Japan
Luxembourt Luxembourg Mexico Mexico StLucia St Lucia Turkey Tunisia
Turkey Turkey UK United Kingdom USA USA Vietnam Vietnam

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NIST's 4th Annual Celebration of World Metrology Day

NIST will hold its fourth annual celebration of World Metrology Day on Thurdsday, May 20, 2010.
Date: May 20, 2010 Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Green Auditorium Boulder: Auditorium in Building 1 at NIST, Boulder has been reserved for VTC Poster sessions from the NIST laboratories will be held after the speaker session in the Hall of States, along with refreshments.

Click here for more information.

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During the 2010 World Metrology Day, the FPS Economy, SMEs, self-employed and Energy and its General Directorate “Quality and Safety” organise a “Measurements in Science and Technology – A bridge to innovation” event.
On this day experts in this field will give a series of presentations, while a tour of our scientific metrology laboratories will guide you into the metrology world.
This event will take place as from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm on 20 May 2010 at the North Gate building, Boulevard Roi Albert II, 16 – 1000 Brussels.

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World Metrology Day 2010 celebrated for the first time in Luxembourg

Organized by the CRP Henri Tudor, the event aims to give a better understanding of what metrology is and what its role in science and economy is.
Several presentations will give an overview of current metrology activities in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg as well as the future perspectives enabled by the creation of a National Metrology Institute.
This event will also be an opportunity for all attendees (students, teachers, industrials, scientists, managers, general public ...) to interact with several national and international metrology stakeholders.

For more information: (conférences)

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LACOMET, Costa Rica will celebrate World Metrology Day, May 20th 2010, with all its partners of the national metrology infrastructure.
This event will consist of several speeches about the importance of metrology for innovation, focused on the role of Lacomet as NMI, regarding to the benefits of CIPM MRA and the requirements that the country has been fulfilling since 2004.
Location: Lacomet facilities, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José Costa Rica
More information:

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will celebrate World Metrology Day, on Thursday May 20th 2010.

Date: May 20, 2010
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: INMETRO's Campus, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil – Auditorium Building 6
More information: Mr. Silvio dos Santos

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Metrology in focus in over 30 African countries

35 African countries will celebrate World Metrology Day with posters visualizing the importance of metrology.
PTB International Technical Cooperation offered logistic and financial support for the realization.

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TÜBITAK UME, The National Metrology Institute of Turkey
Celebrates World Metrology Day for the Third Time

TÜBITAK UME will celebrate World Metrology Day for the third time on May 20, 2010. The celebrations will be held on TÜBITAK UME’s campus in Gebze between 9:00 and 16:00 on May 20th, 2010.

In the days leading to WMD, TUBITAK UME organized an essay contest among middle school students on the theme of “what if we could not measure?”, a table-tennis tournament, and a marathon on the grounds of TÜBITAK’s Gebze Campus. Awards for all three events will be given to the winners as part of the celebrations.

Other activites planned for the day include a forum on issues in science and a theatre performance by TÜBITAK staff members on the theme of metrology in everyday life.

Contact: Omer Altan

Click on the image to download a high resolution version of the poster

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MKEH celebrates World Metrology Day

The Hungarian Trade Licensing Office (MKEH) – being responsible for the metrological activities - will celebrate World Metrology Day on May 20, 2010 by organizing a Symposium at Novotel Budapest Congress Hotel.

On this one-day event experts of the Office will hold presentations in three key subjects illustrating the broad range of metrology.

In connection with the World Metrology Day, in frame of an Open Day the Office will also receive student groups from the Technical University guiding them into the lab work.

For more information: Mrs Orsolya VARGA (

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NMIJ celebrates World Metrology Day

National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) will celebrate World Metrology Day by organizing the 10th International Metrology Symposium on May 26th, 2010 in Tokyo.

The theme of the present symposium is “Metrology - a bridge to innovation.”

We will have guest speakers from overseas to discuss some topics such as what kind of measurement standards are necessary and what would be brought by innovations in the development measurement standards.

More information: Dr. Takashi Yarita (

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the poster

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NPLI celebrates World Metrology Day

Click on the image for more information

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Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI)
will hold the 5th National Metrology Conference on May 20-21, 2010

Date: May 20-21, 2010
Time: 8:30 to 17:00
Location: 19 Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Participants: Scientists, researchers on metrology from universities, institutes, enterprises, manufacturers in whole country of Vietnam.

For more information:
Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung
Planning and Cooperation Division, Vietnam Metrology Institute (VMI)
Tel.: +84-4-38361872
Fax: +84-4-37564260

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QSAE, Ethiopia celebrates World Metrology Day, May 20th 2010.

May 13, 2010 - press conference to the Ethiopian television, radio, government and private gazette etc.

May 17, 2010 - panel discussion in Ethiopia Television on 17 May 2010 with participants from The NMI, Ministry of trade and industry , Ministry of Science and technology and Engineering Capacity Building Programme (ECBP)

May 19, 2010 - stalkholders workshop for about 35 participants from various sectors especially realted to science and technology

May 20, 2010 - we celebrate with various events and recreations , message on the theme of the wrold metrology day will be presented to invited guests and staffs of the NMI and other NQI institutions

Click here for more details of these events

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St Lucia

St Lucia Bureau of Standards
marks World Metrology Day.

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards joins the rest of the world in the observance of World Metrology Day, on Thursday 20th May 2010. This year’s theme is “Metrology – measurements in Science and Technology; a bridge to innovation.” The 2010 theme concentrates on how measurement influences science and stimulates innovation...

Click here to read the full message

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St Lucia

This year’s theme for World Metrology Day resonates very strongly with what we believe here at the National Research Council’s Institute for National Measurement Standards:
metrology is the bridge that moves us from the world of science to the world of technology....

Click here to read the full message

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Centro Nacional de Metrologia - CENAM - Mexico
In celebration of WMD, CENAM is organizing an "open house day".

Please check the information on our web site at or directly at

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l'Agence Nationale de Métrologie - Tunisie

Organise un séminaire ŕ l’ occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie

Cliquez ici pour télécharger le programme

Click here to download the programme.

Click on the image to download a pdf version of the poster

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